
Сообщения за февраль, 2021

Unexpected Romances Ch. 01

Authors note: This story contains depictions of adultery and forbidden romance. It is intended strictly for the erotic enjoyment of the reader. All Fictional Charters are adults over 18. Unexpected Romances -- Chapter one. My name is Daniel Anderson and this is my story: I was not popular in school, as I was kind of the nerd. I was an introvert and had very few friends. Hence I married the only girlfriend I ever had. She had just turned eighteen and I was nineteen. My parents didn't approve that I was getting married so young, my mother would tell me, "You have to sow your wild oats before you get married!" As I found out later, she was so right! I didn't realize it at the time, but I was being manipulated by my girlfriend. She had an awful home life and saw me as her ticket out. She turned me against my parents with things like, "If you really loved me, you'd do." Whatever it was she'd use that line. While dating, we had no sex life what so ever, ...

A Simple Survey? Ch. 03

I couldn't believe I had run through a red light. I barely missed causing an accident. I hadn't been paying attention, too busy thinking about getting home and masturbating. I couldn't stop shaking. It was enough to pull me out of my thoughts and I felt distress wash through me; over what I was becoming. I drove carefully home telling myself I was not going to use the vibrator I'd just bought. I was not going to have anything else to do with Gurls or their survey or money. I was going to strip off these slutty clothes and go back to being my nerdy, normal self. I tried to ignore the thrill that raced through me, thinking about stripping. Gurls could try to change me, but I knew who I was. I was determined. After I parked at my apartment, I thought about leaving my purchases in my car. It would mean I wouldn't be tempted by them. Instead, I rationalized that someone could see them through the windows somehow and I should bring them in. The idea of someone seeing th...

Sarah's Femdom Family Pt. 05

It was a beautiful July day and Toby and I are on a trip to visit my mommy in York, in the north part of the UK. I am wearing a strappy blue dress and Toby is in his red shorts with a Unicorn T shirt. He is in a especially adapted child seat in the back of the Lexus. I love motorway driving and I am happily listening to the music radio as we go. It has been three years since our wedding and I treat Toby as a child now. It works for us and Toby knows where he stands. He call me Mommy and my parents Gran and Grandad. As it is a long journey Toby is wearing a diaper. "Are you looking forward to seeing granny and grandad darling?" "Oh yes mommy. granny is so funny." Toby hasn't seen much of my parents since the wedding as I have tended to visit on my own. This is partly so that I can have a break without worrying about him but also so that I can talk to my mommy and share my concerns and worries. In the family we have always called my dad, "Boy" as he is...

Harley & Sly

Harley stepped out of the Atlanta International Airport into the Georgia heat. He had a long day of meetings before he could check in to the downtown Atlanta Hyatt. Harley checked in, went to his room for a quick, cool shower before a drink at the bar. As soon as he walked into the bar he spotted her and his breath caught. She was behind the bar. Her name tag said "Cara", but he knew her by a different name. "Sly", his former bar manager and bartender. How long had it been? Over 10 years for sure. Sly was busy with other customers so took no notice when Harley sat down at the end of the bar. She called out to him without looking in his direction, "what can I get you?" "Whistle Pig 12 year rye if you have it, please." "You like the good stuff." Sly replied as she finally locked eyes with Harley. She silently mouthed the words "Fuck, Harley?" Harley grinned. Sly poured his drink and set it down in front of him. "What a su...

Her Forever Virgin Ch. 03

"Sorry about that," Margo eyed Yennessa with suspicion, "I was looking for something to get back at a guy I know." "What did you have in mind?" Slowly, putting emphasis on each word, the taller woman said, "I am not sure yet." What she really meant was "I'm not sure why you're being so helpful all of a sudden." Years of being denied from making any purchases Margo couldn't fathom why Yennessa would suddenly change her tune. Was it part of an elaborate trap? That didn't seem right. Margo had never personally gotten to know Yennessa but Amy had told her a few details. While Yennessa was three years older than the pair of roommates she had developed a friendship with Amy during their summers studying magic and was even assigned as Amy's mentor in her last summer of training. Despite their shared experiences and student mentor relationship the two witches had never become terribly close, only ever catching up when Amy ...

Continue Crossdressing Adventures Ch. 02

Sorry that it has been a long time between my postings. This is a continuation of my previous documentation of my crossdressing adventures. It can be read as a stand-alone, but for true context the earlier stories should at least be scanned over. Please enjoy. * As we left the hotel room, Sherry called for a cab to meet us out front. By the time we reached the lobby our cab was waiting for us. When the driver saw who his fare was going to be, he jumped out of his door and opened the rear door for us. I know that his motive was more to catch a glimpse of some thigh or panties than to improve his potential tip. Sherry and I, especially myself, did not disappoint. I'm not sure how girls do this normal stuff day to day, but I know I gave the cabbie a good show getting in the backseat first then sliding across to accommodate Sherry. Sherry barked out our address before much more graciously sliding in alongside me. Once seated in the cab, Sherry proceeded to attack me like a starving m...

Weekly Meetings Ch. 01

Weekly Meetings -- Ch. 01 Big thanks to LAHomeDog not only for editing, but for guiding me to help make me a better writer. It started like any other day so imagine my surprise when I got to the office to learn that it was actually my 10th anniversary working there. It didn't mean much, there wasn't any sort of celebration or a plaque or anything like that. But I did get to choose a gift from a small list of items that would probably be priced at $30-$40. If anything, the anniversary was a realization that my career was stagnant. I was stuck in corporate America, puttering around in middle management, reporting to someone that had no idea what my job actually entailed, and dreading any moment where I might leave my cubicle, and have to socialize with any of the brownnosing kids that were actually striving to reach my mediocre level. At least today was Friday, and my weekly meeting with Amy. Her status as the hottest girl in the office was one of few consistencies over the pas...