Unexpected Romances Ch. 01
Authors note: This story contains depictions of adultery and forbidden romance. It is intended strictly for the erotic enjoyment of the reader. All Fictional Charters are adults over 18. Unexpected Romances -- Chapter one. My name is Daniel Anderson and this is my story: I was not popular in school, as I was kind of the nerd. I was an introvert and had very few friends. Hence I married the only girlfriend I ever had. She had just turned eighteen and I was nineteen. My parents didn't approve that I was getting married so young, my mother would tell me, "You have to sow your wild oats before you get married!" As I found out later, she was so right! I didn't realize it at the time, but I was being manipulated by my girlfriend. She had an awful home life and saw me as her ticket out. She turned me against my parents with things like, "If you really loved me, you'd do." Whatever it was she'd use that line. While dating, we had no sex life what so ever, ...