Unexpected Romances Ch. 01

Authors note: This story contains depictions of adultery and forbidden romance. It is intended strictly for the erotic enjoyment of the reader. All Fictional Charters are adults over 18.

Unexpected Romances -- Chapter one.

My name is Daniel Anderson and this is my story: I was not popular in school, as I was kind of the nerd. I was an introvert and had very few friends. Hence I married the only girlfriend I ever had. She had just turned eighteen and I was nineteen. My parents didn't approve that I was getting married so young, my mother would tell me,

"You have to sow your wild oats before you get married!"

As I found out later, she was so right!

I didn't realize it at the time, but I was being manipulated by my girlfriend. She had an awful home life and saw me as her ticket out.

She turned me against my parents with things like,

"If you really loved me, you'd do."

Whatever it was she'd use that line. While dating, we had no sex life what so ever, sure we had contact but it never went too far. She had me convinced that she was saving herself for our wedding night. She'd promise me that she'd be all over me once we were married.

I was so naive that I actually believed that she could change that fast. Any time I resisted to go along with her plans she'd use that same line.

Needless to say, our wedding night was a complete bust. First she said she'd be ready in the morning after she was better rested.

Of course she faked sleep until it was checkout time at the motel where we stayed.

So that was the marriage, she was frigid, and had little interest in sex. She always used empty promises of sex to manipulate me into doing whatever she wanted. The sex we did have was quick and resulted mostly in heavy petting.

Sex was so infrequent that I felt it was absurd to use protection, big mistake on my part. I was so stupid not to realize that if she were ever in the mood, there was a reason.

Once the children were born I was stuck in a loveless marriage as my wife often left me home with the kids while she spent countless hours shopping and running up my credit cards.

I was stuck, I had no hope!

I was raised Catholic so divorce was out of the question, I certainly couldn't go live with my parents for fear that my mother would ridicule me with "I told you so's," as she had a habit of doing.

Fast forward several years, the kids are all grown, my wife and I both got our real-estate licenses and ended up working in the same office comprised mostly of women.

My life would soon take a dramatic and unsuspected turn for the best.

One day, the office manager sent some beautiful long stem yellow roses to the secretary for her ten year anniversary. All the women went crazy over them. They came in a box and I couldn't believe how they brightened up our otherwise dreary office setting once they were put in a vase.

I overheard my wife tell her co-workers,

"Dan never does anything like that for me, when our first child was born all the other fathers brought their wives beautiful flowers and all I got were stupid puzzles and magazines."

This really hurt because she always had told me that she never wanted flowers because they'd just die. Instead, she'd ask for things to keep her company while she was in the hospital.

That's how it all started, I decided that maybe I could spark her with flowers and romance. It was a last ditch attempt to save our marriage.

Since her birthday was on Valentine's Day, I put together a plan; I'd pick a day, just a few days before February Fourteenth, and send a series of flowers and gifts to her office spaced out every two hours.

The timing was very important to me so I picked a day before the Valentine's Day rush and went to four different places. My concern was that some lazy delivery man would just deliver all four gifts at the same time.

I wrote a poem to accompany each delivery that corresponded with each gift.

The women in the office went wild and soon the story about the gifts spread to the other reality offices in the City. My wife was the envy of everyone. The husbands, not so much, they hated me.

My wife liked it, but I didn't get the effect I had hoped for, she just took it as a proof that she didn't have to work on our marriage at all. I did enjoy all the attention from all the ladies though.

I challenged myself to outdo myself each year. On the third year I went all out, I took guitar lesions, wrote a song, and sang it to her in front all our co-workers as part of the gift series.

The women that year went crazy and I was the "Talk of the Town."

I have to admit that I loved the attention and started doing the gift series mostly for my admirers and basically gave up trying to spark my wife. I was still in a loveless marriage and I guess I was calling out for help.

I soon found out that many of the women saw it as it was, a cry for help from a person that desperately longed to be loved.

One particularly long day, and well after midnight, I noticed an envelope in my in-basket.

I figured it was just some sort of business correspondence, but I couldn't be more wrong. My hands started to shake as I read the letter inside.

It said;

"I know all this flowers and poetry stuff is just a cry for help, I know this because I'm in a loveless marriage myself. I've been thinking a lot about you lately, I want to know how you would feel about two lonely souls getting together."

The letter was unsigned but it was scented with perfume.

I didn't dare share the letter with my wife, I felt that she didn't have to know.

A few days later I found another letter in my basket.

"Just so you know, you are not fooling me, you are hungry for love and you're not getting it from your wife. I'm in a loveless marriage myself. I often fantasize about you, and I hope you feel the same."

I knew this note was from someone else, because of the redundancy and the scent was different.

So, for the days that followed I found myself trying to strategically position myself to catch a whiff of the perfume of the various ladies in the office.

I didn't find any matches and I started to think that their normal perfume wasn't used. It never occurred to me that one of the letters could be from a female in one of the other offices. We were in the multiple listing service so we'd have salespeople from our competitors in our office all the time.

The MLS had a banquet the first Friday of March every year. The venue was an exquisite country club on the outskirts of town.

These things always went the same way, my wife would mingle and I spent my time sitting alone at the bar. One of my co-workers, Linda Bonnet, approached the bar next to me and ordered a round of drinks. She slid a cocktail napkin in front of me and whispered in my ear,

"Where's my poem?"

Then she took her drinks and walked away.

The napkin was scented and I recognized it as belonging to the author of the second note. I turned it over and it had an email address on it. From the domain, I knew it was her personal email. I couldn't believe it, Linda was an attractive but quiet married lady. I have to admit I did have somewhat of a crush on her since I joined that office. She was slightly overweight and seemed to be a little sensitive about her size.

But she had a killer smile and a happy-bubbly personality. Of all the women in the office, Linda was one that I least suspected would reach out to me in this way. She was shy and usually kept to herself, but it was all starting to make sense now.

As I sat at the bar I started thinking about her and ideas of a poem to her started racing around in my head, and yes, they were somewhat alcohol induced.

When it was time to leave, I went to the closet to fetch our coats. While sorting through the rack to find our wraps, I started to detect the scent from the first letter. I turned around to see Susan Burke, a women that I knew from one of the other offices,

"Don't look so surprised," she said as she pushed a matchbook into my shirt pocket,

"Don't stand me up now!"

As she walked away I quickly looked around to see if anyone noticed. I didn't see anyone.

My jaw dropped, she was a very powerful lady, and her nick name around the office was the "Barracuda," because of her aggressive and relentless sales practices. She was always one of the top brokers in the City.

It was hard to believe that she was trapped in a bad marriage. I then remembered all the rumors that were floating around that her husband was gay, nobody seemed to believe it, but now it seemed to be true.

The matchbook was for a restaurant two city's over. Inside the cover was a date and time. It was for the following Monday night.

I was flying high when I got home, these two women were hitting on me and I loved it.

I tried to give myself a reality check, I knew it was wrong to lust after these women. I had taken a vow to be faithful to my wife for better or worse. Somehow the prospect of a loveless marriage to a frigid women never entered the equation. I knew that if I were to pursue either of these women I'd be committing adultery.

As I sat there trying to digest what had happened, I started to hear my wife snoring in the bedroom. She didn't even say goodnight.

I started to second guess myself, maybe I was reading too much into this, maybe I was getting ahead of myself. I decided to just play it cool and see what happens. Somehow it seemed worth the risk.

I sat there in my dimly lit home office and brought up Linda's picture on my computer. I started tapping keys as my creative juices started to flow:

"With a face of gold and umber eyes, could her mild manner just be a disguise."

"Could there be a smoldering fire, a deep inside craving for a chance to be the object of someone's desire."

"Love and passion, long repressed, hunger to be loved, could her heart be obsessed."

"I need to find out because she is a heavenly site, can we be the same, although now we are just strangers in the night."

I set up a secure email address myself and fired away the poem. I was about to try to go to bed to sleep when I noticed I already had an email from her, apparently she couldn't sleep as well.

She wrote me and said the poem made her cry, and she was surprised at how well I seemed to know what she was thinking. I told her it's because I felt the same.

She told me the story about how she met her husband through a mutual friend. They had a whirlwind romance for about a year. They got married and things turned sour quickly. Now they barely talk.

Her story was eerily similar to mine and here we both were in loveless marriages.

I felt really comfortable emailing her and felt as if I'd known her all my life. After we exchanged emails in what turned out to be a sleepless night, we knew our spouses were about to start waking up. We needed to keep our love a secret for now so we reluctantly signed off and agreed we'd stay in touch.

Later that morning I checked my email and saw I had a new message from her. She was suggesting that we meet the next day (Sunday) at a home where she was having an open house. I was to meet her there about an hour after it was over. She said the owners would be out of town so we'd have the place to ourselves.

At about four P.M on Sunday I drove to the address she'd given me. She said I should use my MLS access to enter and to be sure to lock the door behind me. When I got there, I saw her car parked outside. I used my card and accessed the key. When I entered, I saw that no lights were on and with the sun being low in the sky, the place was dimly lit and eerily quiet.

I called out Linda's name but didn't receive an answer. I looked around the house for her and eventually checked the bedroom.

There she was, in the bed. I saw that her clothes were piled on the floor next to her. She looked at me, motioned to her clothes and said,

"Are you going to just stand there, or are you going to join me?"

I couldn't really believe what was happening, Linda had always been so reserved. Here she was, being forward and direct, I kind of liked it.

The scene was such a turn-on that I had trouble removing my briefs over my erection.

"Looks like someone is enjoying themselves," she said as I tried unsuccessfully to hide my arousal.

I got in the bed on the right side and she met me in the middle. She touched my lips with hers as we were locked in a naked embrace. The thought occurred to me that this was happening way too fast, but when you get in your fifties and you are love starved, you have a different perspective on time.

As we kissed, Linda reached down and inserted my erect manhood into her waiting pussy. We held the embrace, connected, indulgent in our warm nakedness. We slowly started gyrating our hips and exploring each other's body's with our hands.

I'd describe our interaction more as sensual then sexual. All our emotions and feelings were heightened as we laid there, embraced as one. We didn't speak, but we knew what each other was thinking. For that time, the world seemed right. We slowly started humming love songs, gently rolling as we cuddled in solidarity. We eventually climaxed in harmony, linked as one.

We laid there, holding each other, relishing in our heightened desire for one another. Linda teared up as she thanked me for making her feel alive again. I hugged her tightly, as I felt the same.

Linda's shyness made her unwilling to expose her nakedness to me right away, so she told me to avert my eyes. I rolled over as she slipped out of bed, scooped up her clothes and dashed into the bathroom. I thought it was so cute of her to hide herself like that, considering that we had just laid naked together. But that was sweet Linda.

We started making plans to meet on a regular basis, not knowing just what direction our relationship would go, but we knew we had to keep seeing each other.

On the drive home I thought a lot about Linda and whether I should keep my date with Susan. I remembered what my mother had said long ago about sowing my wild oats. I hadn't listened then and as a result I had locked myself in a loveless marriage because I had limited myself to one relationship.

I decided that I wouldn't do that to myself again and it was obvious what I needed to do. I'd meet Susan as agreed.

Fast forward to Monday night...

I drove to the address on the matchbook, the restaurant was closed and up for sale. The huge sign in the un-plowed parking lot listed Susan as the broker. Her candy apple red Camaro was parked near the front door. Her personalized license read "Baracta." The front door was unlocked so I walked in.

The building, being closed for business, had the heat on low. I heard the snapping of a fire, so I followed the sound into the bar/lounge area.

Susan was sitting at a small round table next to the fireplace,

She spotted me and smiled,

"Make yourself a drink and join me lover boy."

I went behind the bar and poured myself a double Jack Daniels, neat, and joined her at the table.

"You made it," she said, "I thought I'd pick a discreet place where we wouldn't be recognized, our pictures are all over the ads and people would talk!"

It was mostly her picture, but I nodded in agreement, and tried to take a sip of my drink with my nervous hands.

She reached over and touched my shoulder,

"You're so cute, you're blushing, haven't you had drinks with a beautiful women before?"

I know that may have sounded conceded on her part, but she was right. She was stunning in her slim black dress and fashionable scarf. The fire set off her indigo eyes and ruby lips.

"You know, there are a lot of women in town that would give anything to be right here with you now, you've caused quite a stir, and a lot of husbands are so jealous of you."

"It might be hard to believe, but I haven't had real passionate sex in a few years now. I've heard the rumors about Phillip being gay, and for the most part they are true. He thinks he's hiding it, but I know."

Just then her cell phone rang, she excused herself and took the call in the other room. That's the life of a Realtor, always on call. As she talked I got up and poured myself another drink.

When she came back, she moved her chair closer to me.

"Sorry about that, where were we? Yes, Phillip."

"It's tough, I should have known he was gay when I married him, but thinking about it now, maybe I was more interested in his money than him."

Her phone rang again, she took the call and I put another log on the fire.

When she came back she moved her chair even closer to me. This happened twice more and each time she moved closer until she was sitting right next to me. This time she put her phone on vibrate.

When she sat down she reached over and put her hand on my thigh. I shuttered at her warm touch. I could see the tops of her ample breasts over her low cut dress. That same perfume from her letter filled my nostrils and unlocked a deep lustful desire for her.

"Listen," she said,

"I'm not looking for any long lasting relationship, and financially I could never leave my husband. I just want to add some passion in my life and I think it's something you can provide."

"I have connections where we can be very discrete."

She didn't wait for me to respond, she kept talking as she ran her hand up near my crotch,

"I've read some of your poetry, you are very creative. But I'll bet you've never really experienced the lust your writing portrays."

The alcohol was starting to take effect and I was melting at her touch. I guess she read the desire in my face as she soon moved over and jumped up in my lap.

She lifted her dress and started to grind herself into my crotch.

I was breathing heavy as I was overtaken by lust and desire. She kissed me hard and wet and lightly bit my lip and pulled on it slightly as she moved her lips to my neck.

She reached back and unzipped her dress enough to expose her bra. She undid the front clasp and took my right hand and placed it over her exposed breast.

It was so soft and warm and I couldn't believe what was happening, besides Linda briefly yesterday and my wife, I had never really felt a naked breast before. I couldn't help myself and I came in my pants.

Susan quickly noticed it,

"Owwe, someone made a mess!"

I was so embarrassed, but to my surprise, she was pleased with herself for making me ejaculate so soon.

She stood up, pulled off my shoes and undid my pants, then pulled them off including my underwear. She took my manhood in her hand and soon worked me back to a full erection.

She kicked off her panties, lifted her dress and mounted me. I slid forward in the chair as she worked herself to climax. I stood up and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

We were still connected when I walked us over to a rug on the floor.

I laid her down and continued to work myself into her vagina. Just before I climaxed for the second time she stopped me and rolled me over onto my back. As she humped my ridged shaft she took off her scarf and tied my wrists together.

She pinned my arms over my head, dismounted me, and ground her pussy into my face,

"Have you ever performed oral sex on a beautiful lady before?"

My only answer was a muffled grunt.

I had gone down on my wife a few times, but I was still novice at it. I worked my tongue over her clit, focusing on her flower. I must have done a good job as she starting moaning and humping my face.

She suddenly turned around and presented herself to me from the other direction as she took my member into my mouth. Her action on my cock and the fact that I was tied up made me even more aroused. I quickly shot my load into her mouth and she swallowed every drop.

She held her position on my face as I kept licking and sucking on her swollen and aroused genitalia. She was panting as she came hard several times.












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