Continue Crossdressing Adventures Ch. 02

Sorry that it has been a long time between my postings. This is a continuation of my previous documentation of my crossdressing adventures. It can be read as a stand-alone, but for true context the earlier stories should at least be scanned over. Please enjoy.


As we left the hotel room, Sherry called for a cab to meet us out front. By the time we reached the lobby our cab was waiting for us. When the driver saw who his fare was going to be, he jumped out of his door and opened the rear door for us. I know that his motive was more to catch a glimpse of some thigh or panties than to improve his potential tip. Sherry and I, especially myself, did not disappoint. I'm not sure how girls do this normal stuff day to day, but I know I gave the cabbie a good show getting in the backseat first then sliding across to accommodate Sherry. Sherry barked out our address before much more graciously sliding in alongside me.

Once seated in the cab, Sherry proceeded to attack me like a starving man at a free buffet. She had her tongue in my mouth and her hands all over me before the cabbie could even get back in the car. As she broke the lip lock, her lips and tongue followed a path to my ear downward to my neck where she proceeded to kiss, suck and nip at my overly sensitive flesh. As my moans grew louder, I also became aware that she was rubbing and squeezing my left breast with her right hand. All of this while the cab driver was now watching in the rearview mirror. The sudden blaring of a horn made the driver pull his eyes away from the show and start the cab forward toward our destination.

Sherry then turned my face to hers and planted her lips back on mine. Her tongue plunged into my mouth and as it met with mine, we wrestled for supremacy. I brought my left hand around and groped for her breasts. Sherry, grabbed my hand, broke our passionate kiss and said, "Not so fast bitch, you are mine now." She took my hand and pushed it backward until it was pinned to the seat, telling me to keep my hands to myself. Then she said, "I can't wait to taste you, I'm going to eat you all up."

I looked in the mirror to again see the driver's eyes watching the backseat action. Another honking horn coupled with a swerve to the right pulled the driver's eyes back to the road. I was so horny, extremely turned on and having one of the most erotic times of my life. I could only imagine what the cabbie must be thinking. How hard his cock must be watching two hot women going at one another in his backseat. One telling the other that she was going to eat her up. I'm sure in his mind that he saw my hot girlfriend running her tongue up and into my hot slit. Little did he know that only one of us was a woman and that she was talking about swallowing my rock-hard cock. I literally giggled thinking about how surprised he would be if he knew the truth.

Sherry took my giggle to mean that I did not believe that she was running the show. She swung her leg up and over mine and planted her knees on either side of my legs straddling me and sitting on my lap. She then took both of my wrists and pinned them against the back of the seat. Sherry then said, "I watched you suck Wayne's cock. You really got into it. You are such a slut. I am going to show you just who's slut you are! You're going to eat my pussy until I cum down your throat just like Wayne did."

I didn't understand it but the way she was talking to me, especially calling me a slut, was doing things to me that I would never have expected. I moaned loudly. Sherry just laughed. She released my wrists, leaned down and clamped onto my neck with her teeth and lips. She was sucking me so hard that I knew she would leave a mark. This just made me moan even more. When she released my neck, she brought her succulent lips to mine. Our lips were so close together that hers were lightly passing over mine as she said, "You little tramp, if I let you, you'd probably suck any cock you could. Well, remember, you are mine. You like being a slut, don't you? Well, you can only be a slut when I allow it." She wasn't giving me an opportunity to reply, just loudly whispering these things while her lips brushed against mine.

My mind was a jumble of thoughts. I did enjoy dressing up as woman when I was with my girlfriend. I loved being the center of attention and being pursued while we were out together. Did this mean I was gay? I didn't think so because all I could think of was getting my cock into my hot girlfriend's body. But I had just spent time kissing a guy and sucked his dick to completion. Was she right in that I did really get into it? If so, what did that mean. Was I gay, bi-sexual or just confused? Afterall I was with her and we were doing it together.

As I'm trying to process these thoughts Sherry pushed her lips against mine and we started the tongue fight again. I brought my hands away from the seatback and put them around this gorgeous, wiggling woman sitting across my thighs. I must admit that there was some hesitation on my part as I was concerned that she might force them back against the seat. That wasn't the case this time. Also, I was enjoying "playing" submissive to my aggressive girlfriend. What the heck did it mean that I didn't just take control of the situation and her, but allowed her to pin me as she had?

Time seemed to stop as we continued kissing before my hands started to wander. I caressed her back, sliding my hands up to her shoulders before heading south. I ended up with a firm, round globe of ass in each hand. Sherry's hands were also on the move as well. After mashing my tits to her satisfaction, she let one hand progress down between us to my legs and then quickly up my mini-skirt. She plunged her hand deep between my legs while curling her fingers upwards. From this angle she started pushing and tapping on the plug wedged in my ass. As this happened, I let a shriek escape my captured lips.

I have no idea how long we had been at it, trying to drive each other crazy, nor do I have any idea how far we would have gone but a sudden lurch from the vehicle made us realize that we had stopped. Apparently, we had been stopped for a bit and the driver had been enjoying the show when his foot slipped off the brake and the car rolled forward only stopping when it met the parking curb.

What a show he must have seen too. Two chicks going at each other in the backseat of his cab. One straddling the legs of the other and from his perception fingering her while the one being finger fucked was molesting the ass cheeks of the finger fucker. It dawned on me that I had pulled Sherry's mini up to get to her ass thereby exposing her panty covered golden globes to the driver.

We were stopped at my dorm. Sherry attempted to pull her mini down but, in her position, it was not successful. She gave up trying, turned her head and looked right at the driver as she pivoted on one knee and swung her leg over off my lap. Her miniskirt was essentially a belt around her waist. She took her time turning her "belt" back into a skirt while never taking her eyes off the cabbie. When the cabbie finally looked up and found her staring at him, he started sputtering an apology. Sherry told him not to apologize, that she took it as a complement. She then asked, "What do we owe you? Perhaps you might like to barter? Maybe my friend could convince you to drop the charge if she took care of your tip?" The double entendre apparently not escaping his notice.

This caused me to gasp and the driver to start sputtering again. I was trying to find the right thing to say. Did my girlfriend really expect me to blow the cab driver? Was she pimping me out? Would I do it? Before I could come to answer these questions or even find the right words to speak, Sherry started laughing and said, "Maybe next time, we'll pay with cash this time as I need to get this little slut back to my room and put her to work."

With that she reached across me and opened my door telling me to get out that side. As I scooted across the seat, she gave the driver a twenty telling him that should cover the fare and just as I started to swing my legs out the door, she lifted my skirt exposing my legs and blue thong, saying and that should cover the tip.

We practically ran back to my dorm room. As soon as we were behind my closed and locked door, Sherry pushed me on the bed. She then shimmied out of her panties and climbed on top of me planting her knees on either side of my face and grinding her succulent pussy directly on my face. She was soaking wet and grinding into my face so hard I had thoughts that I might suffocate. Not the worst way to go I suppose.

Sherry ground and bounced on my face while I used my mouth and tongue to slurp her juices and snake into her tunnel whenever I could. The entire time she was grunting and saying things like, "That's it, suck my pussy you slut, make me cum, hurry up fucker, harder, deeper". I'm not sure where this woman came from but all day, she had been more dominant than I'd ever seen her. She also wasn't be very discrete or quiet either. I'm sure my building mates were getting quite the audible show.

It didn't take too long, and no I didn't suffocate either, before she screamed "Oh God" and orgasmed, squirting all over my face. I rolled out from underneath my girl beginning to get angry thinking she had pissed on me. I said to her, "What the hell Sherry, why did you pee on me?" Sherry was deeply embarrassed. She stammered out that she didn't pee, only that I made her cum harder than she ever had before in her life. This was a new experience for us both. I also realized that some of her love fluid had gotten into my mouth and if that is what it tasted like then I guess it was alright by me.

As we both calmed down, I became aware of how deeply embarrassed my girlfriend was. My only thought was to comfort her. Well not totally true, I was still extremely horny and now that I knew that I hadn't been pissed on but had brought my gal to a level of pleasure that she had never reached before, I was both proud and cocky.

Sherry was sitting on the side of the bed with one leg on the bed and one on the floor. I rolled over and put my face right between her legs. I said, "One must be polite, mustn't one?". With that I started to lick her inner thighs and outer lips. It took Sherry a moment to first, realize that I wasn't at all upset with her and secondly, that I was playing with her own words from our time with Wayne back in the hotel.

This seemed to put the starch right back in her sails so to speak. She stood up, turned to face my feet and while again straddled me putting her knees alongside my head, albeit in a different direction. She then said with a giggle, "My horny little slut better do a good job cleaning me up then hadn't she?". Sherry then reached down, flipped up my mini-skirt and worked my aching cock out of my panties. Sherry cooed, "Politeness should be reciprocated" and with that she proceeded to swallow my shaft to the base. As she proceeded to slide her plump lips up and down my rock-hard cock, she slid one hand under my bottom and grasped the plug still firmly entrenched in my rectum.

I grunted deep into the folds of her womanhood as she started moving the plug around in my now very sensitive rear end. The little vixen took that as a good sign and while she rotated her hips driving her womanhood deeper into my face, she also started rotating the plug around in my ass. This caused me to grunt and groan even more. The combination of being nearly smothered by her, her lips and tongue bathing my organ, the feeling of her tits against my stomach, the feeling of my "tits" against her and the feeling in my bottom was unbelievable.

Sherry then started pulling the plug part way out of my backside while not coming all the way out. The result was that she was further stretching my already expanded sphincter, then relaxing it back to its original stretched state and then pulling it back out keeping me in a perpetual state of excited anxiety. The more she worked the plug in my ass the more my hips gyrated and the more vocal I became. I'm not sure if I was chasing the plug with my ass wanting to keep it in, trying to get it all the way out or just really into the feeling of the suspense of it being somewhere between.

As I became more vocal and active, Sherry took on an even more dominating role. Telling me that I was her slut, that she was going to take me anyway she wanted, that she was going to cum all over my face and that I would love it all.

The frenetic pace that we were going at was taking both of us to a forgone conclusion. As Sherry rocked backwards on my face, I gripped her prominent clit between my teeth and started slapping it with my tongue like a volleyball. Sherry pulled off my cock, screamed and started cumming, again squirting on my face. Nowhere near as much as the first time though. Plus, I wasn't freaked out this time and continue to torment her sensitive regions. She then quickly slammed back down my rod taking me completely in her mouth and started pulling the plug completely out of my abused rear end and then slowly sliding it back into my back channel. As the bulbous end would pass my sphincter muscle, I would jerk upwards resulting in me trying to jam my cock deeper into my gal's mouth and throat. It only took about ten strokes before I was shooting my load into her mouth.

Sherry rolled off me and we lay head to tail next to each other completely satisfied and exhausted. We both must have dosed off for a bit because it was over an hour later and Sherry was shaking me awake saying she had to get home, that it was already late.

We both jumped off our bed and straightened ourselves out as best as we could. We towel washed our faces and then Sherry reapplied my make-up before taking care of her own needs. We rushed out of my dorm room and down to her car. We were careful to stay under the speed limit and made it to Sherry's house in due order.

From the lights on it was easy to see that someone was still up inside. As we made our way through the front door of Sherry's house, we quickly noticed it was Sherry's dad that was still up. It was obvious that he was waiting for his daughter to get home. I nearly turned and ran back outside.

It was crystal clear that he wasn't a happy camper. I'm sure that Sherry and I both had that fresh fucked look (since we had just finished) on our faces. I'm equally sure that it was equally apparent from our appearance and demeanor. Thank God that Sherry took the lead and explained to her Dad that while we did go out clubbing, the truth is that we fell asleep at my dorm and that is why we were so late getting back there. She went even further to explain how we took a cab to make sure that we were safe because we had both had a couple of drinks. Her father seemed to relax a little and we went to Sherry's room.

I was a jumble of nerves. It took several minutes for me to calm down and then I noticed that I was thirsty. I'm using being tired and nervous as the excuse, because I must not have been thinking as I decided to go get a bottle of water from her kitchen again. I reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle. Closing the door, I spun around and right into Sherry's dad. My breasts were in his lower ribs while my head and hair were below his chin. I nearly screamed. He quickly put his hands around me and told me not to worry, that he was sorry he scared me.

WTF, here I am in my girlfriend's kitchen with her father essentially embracing me. I could feel his hands exploring my lingerie under my clothed body. I'm sure he was intrigued by the feel of my bustier. He was running his hands up and down my back while telling me that I'd been around so much that he "almost" looked upon me as a second daughter. I was sputtering and scared. I managed to get out that I needed to get back to Sherry so we could go to sleep. He then gave me a big squeeze, turned me around and gave me a couple of pats on the ass, telling me that I had better get going if I wanted to get any sleep at all. I don't think it was just my imagination that his last pat lingered for more than just a bit longer than it should have.

Like a scared little mouse, I hurried from the kitchen and back to Sherry's room. Once inside, Sherry took one look at me and asked what happened. I was in a dilemma, do I tell my girlfriends that her father was hitting on me again or do I just shrug it off?

I want to thank everyone for their input and comments. The anonymity of this site makes it easy to recount my stories, otherwise I would find it difficult to put my experiences out in public. I try to write each of these as a stand-alone reader while continuing the chronologic order of my progression.


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