Sarah's Femdom Family Pt. 05

It was a beautiful July day and Toby and I are on a trip to visit my mommy in York, in the north part of the UK. I am wearing a strappy blue dress and Toby is in his red shorts with a Unicorn T shirt. He is in a especially adapted child seat in the back of the Lexus. I love motorway driving and I am happily listening to the music radio as we go. It has been three years since our wedding and I treat Toby as a child now. It works for us and Toby knows where he stands. He call me Mommy and my parents Gran and Grandad. As it is a long journey Toby is wearing a diaper.

"Are you looking forward to seeing granny and grandad darling?"

"Oh yes mommy. granny is so funny."

Toby hasn't seen much of my parents since the wedding as I have tended to visit on my own. This is partly so that I can have a break without worrying about him but also so that I can talk to my mommy and share my concerns and worries. In the family we have always called my dad, "Boy" as he is a house slave in the gynarchy style. Boy is the generic name in the gynarchy for all slaves. Last time I visited was last month and I watched my mommy cane Boy for being lazy. He had been told to finish the ironing and hand wash mommy's silk undies and he had forgotten to make the bed in the mistress room. It was mommy's idea that I should bring Toby on my next trip as she wanted to see how he is coping with his age regression.

The regression happened almost by accident. When I went out on dates I used an agency to provide a sitter. It seemed the logical next step to encourage him to be like a little boy who needs a sitter. The sitter would feed him, cuddle him and oversee any TV watching and then send him to bed by 9.00 pm. Toby took to it very well and is now acting and thinking like my child. He is potty trained but wears a diaper at night. He confessed to me that it was always his fantasy to be a beautiful woman's child and be treated as a kid. He still works at one of my mom's many hairs stylist as a gofer and general help. He really loves his job and the women who work there make a big fuss of him.

Last week I was getting ready to go out on a date and I was telling Toby about who was going to look after him as his usual sitter couldn't help on that occasion. He was getting quite worried so I told him to sit by my side on my bed. I was in my slip and bra as I hadn't put on my dress yet.

"Darling, give me a cuddle. Don't worry honey it's Jenny who is coming to sit for you. She is our neighbour's teenage daughter and you know her well. She will look after you. She may even let you stay up to 9.30 if you are good. So dry your eyes and look happy. You are a big boy now."

He sat and watched as I applied eyeliner and a bit of blush to my cheeks. He loves seeing me put on make-up.

"Mummy who is your date tonight?"

"Oh it's Raoul. You know him...he bought you a train set for Christmas. He is very sexy and treats me like a princess. He has just bought a new car. I can't remember the make darling. Now be nice when he arrives."

The traffic was now thinning as we approached the exit for mommy's city. Toby got quite excited as it is such a nice part of the UK. He loves my mommy because she makes yummy cakes for him and lets him talk to her like a grown up. He must use baby talk but he can discuss grown up things like fashion trends and girlie pink is so funny.

"Now remember to be on your best behaviour darling."

I parked the car and got out to let Toby stand by my side. Boy opened the door and got the luggage from the car. We went in and found mommy in the drawing room waiting for us. Boy is a good role model for Toby as he is sweet and obedient. As I was growing up I realised he is also a bit lazy. He can have a bad attitude and we clashed when I was young. The clash usually resulted in him being caned. When I was very young I couldn't explain to mommy why Boy should be punished but I just felt he was being naughty in some way. He once refused to kiss the feet of my Barbie doll. I was so annoyed I shouted at him to do as I ordered. Mommy happened to be outside my room and came in to investigate what the matter was. She slapped him so hard it shocked me and made Boy cry.

Toby sat on the floor next to my feet as I chatted to my mommy. Boy brought in coffee and cakes and then retired to the kitchen.

"I love this room mommy. It is so sunny and the view is great. How has Boy been since you two got back from holiday in the Seychelles?"

"Well, he has been a good boy. He has learnt how to cook using a wok and so we have had some delicious meals. I haven't caned him for about three weeks, which must be a is my Toby have you been a good boy for your mommy?"

"I have been a good boy granny. It's true isn't it mommy?"

"Yes you are a good boy. Now have some juice and a piece of yummy cake, darling."

After supper I strolled in the garden with Toby, whilst mommy had an afternoon nap. It is such a big garden and I told Toby the names of the flowers. He is delightful company and was so good. I was asking him about his regression to see if he is still happy. I asked him if there were any aspects he found difficult.

"Well I have some trouble with language. You know the use of only short baby words and stuff, you know? Like I would say I am silly with some long words. It is hard when we are at a dinner party and one of our friends asks a complex question. I don't always know what to say."

"Ok sweetie. I understand, I think we agreed that you can use long words and talk about complex issues in public but not in private. Now when we get back home I think it will be time for you to spend time without your chastity. Won't that be fun?"

And it will be!


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