Harley & Sly

Harley stepped out of the Atlanta International Airport into the Georgia heat. He had a long day of meetings before he could check in to the downtown Atlanta Hyatt.

Harley checked in, went to his room for a quick, cool shower before a drink at the bar.

As soon as he walked into the bar he spotted her and his breath caught. She was behind the bar. Her name tag said "Cara", but he knew her by a different name. "Sly", his former bar manager and bartender. How long had it been? Over 10 years for sure.

Sly was busy with other customers so took no notice when Harley sat down at the end of the bar. She called out to him without looking in his direction, "what can I get you?"

"Whistle Pig 12 year rye if you have it, please."

"You like the good stuff." Sly replied as she finally locked eyes with Harley. She silently mouthed the words "Fuck, Harley?"

Harley grinned. Sly poured his drink and set it down in front of him. "What a surprise," she said, "Good to see you." "Likewise and likewise." Harley replied. "So this is where you landed after I sold the place, you've moved up in the world."

"Hours and tips are good and the customers treat me with respect." Sly replied, trying not to blush at the memories of a few incredible nights with Harley.

The bar was busy so they did not get much time to talk but did get to find out the basics of what went on in their lives for the past 11 years. Seems like the friendship was still there for both of them. Harley had dinner reservations so he slid her his extra key as he paid his tab. "Come to my room when you get off work so we can catch up if you feel like it."

Sly took it without saying she would come and Harley smiled, nodded, and left for dinner.

Harley had just about given up on Sly when he heard the room key slid into the lock. She came in, closed the door, and stared at Harley, his tie was gone and damnit, he looked good.

"Thanks for coming up." Harley said, "Can I get you something from the minibar?" "No thanks, I can't stay long but wanted to drop by to say hi again away from the bar."

Harley sat on the sofa in the living room of the suite and pointed for Sly to take a seat beside him. Sly reluctantly sat down. "I really can't stay." she said.

Small talk escaped them both. They stared at each other smiling for a minute when Harley held out his arm for her to come closer.

Sly sat, unsure, the sofa, looking at Harley until he reached out, pulling her to him. She fell against him, heat rising in her face. Harley leaned in for a kiss and Sly fell into his arms. She felt the familiar muscles in his chest and arms.

He shrugged her off, guiding her head to his lap, and idly toyed with her hair which reached down the entirety of her back, running his fingers through it, somehow familiar to him. She rolled to her back and grinned up at him.

Harley sang along softly with an old southern rock song, eyes staring intently into hers and pulled his hands free.

The music was familiar, she admitted to herself.. Quiet, soft jazz now filled the room, and her lids lowered some as the room swirled around her. He murmured to her, his baritone voice rumbling through her ribcage, talking about nothing of importance, while she rested against him.

Harley eased her head back to his lap, cradling her head in his arms. She felt one of his long fingers trace the shape of her lips, cautiously. With effort, she kept her eyes from fluttering, and turned slightly, not quite able to bring herself to sit up. His hands stilled, then resumed, tracing the contours of her face, the heat from his fingers spreading through her body, tightening her belly with apprehension.

She could feel his eyes on her face as his fingers moved lower. They caressed her neck, and continued on their path. He paused, then, as though weighing options.

A moment later, he eased open her top button, still staring. Sly lay motionless, electricity vibrating from the space between them. After a pause, his fingers pressed on, moving along the edge of her bra.

Harley's hands hovered, before he eased open her shirt, revealing her bra and the top of her beautiful, milk white breasts. Sly heard a string of mutters, some of which sounded like curses, and Harley shifted uncomfortably beneath her. She almost laughed at his discomfort, but then his hand moved over her breast, and all focus was drawn to the heat coming from his fingertips against the soft skin.

She pressed her legs together trying to slow the rise of heat moving to her middle, Harley attacked, bruising her nipples with small bites, moving down her body. She knew that she should leave. But she was helpless to move.

Probing, Harley rolled her nipple between his fingers, and suckedin a breath, fingers tightening against her skin as her nipples grew, betraying her desire for him. He flicked at the nipple for a while, fingers growing increasingly bold as they slid along her bra, lowering to her shirt, and freeing another button.

The curve of her hip was revealed as the shirt fell further open, and she felt him press a warm palm against her. His calloused palm moved back and forth against her soft skin, the friction building heat, and hidden desire burning her insides as his hand slowly moved lower, until his skillful fingers were sliding along the edge of her pants. Sly was at war with herself.

She knew she should stop him, but the growing need between her legs was winning the internal battle, and she couldn't deny the excitement that lived just beneath her skin at the feel of his rough hands.

There was a soft click as he undid the clasps on her pants, and her eyes almost shot open. Harley apparently had given up on his reservations and was now pushing to see just how far he could go before Sly stopped him.

The sense of helplessness was one she had thought about for the past few months, but her thoughts were interrupted as his fingers slid into the waistband of her panties. She was very glad she had worn sexy underwear today. She couldn't help but tense up when his fingers brushed down the front, curling ever so slightly as they reached her clit.

Sly was paralyzed, fear quickening her heart as he strummed her clit through her underwear, forcing a gasp from her.

At this, he removed his hand, and she felt him shift underneath her, the hardness in his pants plainly evident. He leaned forward, until she could feel his hot breath on her face, and whispered, in a husky voice,

"I know you're awake." Her eyes flew open, and she straightened immediately, shooting to her feet.

"I wa-, you, hah, that's, it." Sly trying in vain to button her shirt and pants. He watched her do this, dark eyes staring at her.

"Hah, well, I should go, sorry, I shouldn't have done this... How long are you here?"

Her voice betraying her nervousness, and she turned to the door to leave. She had just started to pull the door open when a hand shot past her face, slamming the door closed.

Her breath hitched, and her heart thudded as she turned to him. His normally calm expression was replaced with something primal, yet familiar.

His eyes were hungry, and his fingers moved from the door to her jaw, then down to her shirt, tugging her back to the sofa. She put up a token resistance, attempting to bat his hand away, and his grip tightened, his eyes narrowing possessively.

He caught her hand as she went to move away, and she noted again the strength of his fingers as she struggled futilely against his grip. She swung her other hand around, and he caught that one just as easily, his face amused. She glanced down at his fingers curled around her wrist and dragged her eyes up to his. His gaze met hers steadily.

"Let me go or I'll bite you." she declared, hoping her voice didn't sound as shaky as she felt. He leered at her, and shrugged his shoulders, his eyes never leaving her face. When that failed to move him, she tried a different tactic, and, gathering up spit, drooled liberally all over him, using her tongue to coat his arm in saliva.

He yanked his arm away, wiping it against the couch, and she used her newfound freedom to poke him in the ribs, laughing at the apparent surprise on his face. This turned out to be a mistake, and he snatched her hand with a growl, pushing her back into the sofa, and swinging over her in one smooth motion, pinning her hands.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're kind of a brat?" He said, not quite managing to hide his smile.

"I have been known as a brat." she replied, squirming under his weight.

"You know," he rumbled, "I've been thinking a lot about what happened a few years ago between us at my bar."

"Oh Really?" Sly stuttered out feebly, knowing he could feel her thudding heart while his lips kissed his way up her neck.

"If I remember right, you used to really like this." He smirked, and nibbled her neck, teeth digging into her soft neck, making her exhale harshly. He bit deeper, his hands tightening further on her wrists as she writhed around, trying to avoid his teeth. He stilled and looked down at her.

She looked up with what she hoped was defiance, her eyes meeting his, and then he was devouring her. His lips came down hard, almost bruising in their intensity, and his hands left hers, tangling themselves in her hair and drawing her closer, pulling frantically against her face and hair. She gasped against his mouth, reeling from shock and the excited lurch in her gut, and he took the opening to force his tongue in, angling her head and deepening the kiss. She bit his tongue, and he reeled back, eyes flashing.

"Are you going to behave, or do I need to make you?"

"What, exactly, do you plan on doing to me?" She attempted to sound disapproving, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from his lips, and, privately, she liked the sound of punishment more than she should.

"Keep misbehaving and you'll see." he warned darkly, lowering his lips to hers again, one hand gripping her jaw. He kissed her again, biting her lip harshly, as she whimpered. When his tongue wormed into her mouth, she tried to push it out with hers, as he began frantically kissing her, stubble scraping her face. His tongue dominated her mouth, wrapping around her tongue and probing against her teeth.

She clenched her legs together, hands balled into fists, and though her brain was screaming at her to regain control, to stop this before it was too late, her body had different ideas.

Without any conscious permission, her hands climbed to his shoulders, and he growled approvingly as sharp nails raked down his back. His teeth pushed against hers as she raked down his back again. She moved up and against him, breath coming in whirlwind pants as they tried to lose themselves in each other. He broke the kiss minutes later, and rested his forehead against hers, breathing harshly.

"I don't think you have any idea how much I've wanted to do that since I recognized you in the bar." he said quietly, and the sincerity in his voice shot straight to her core, her overheated blood swirling sluggishly through her brain and heart and cheeks. She covered it by ducking her head, but his fingers caught her chin, lifting it, and she met his eyes. Whatever he saw there made him lower his lips to hers again with a groan.

This kiss was different, though. The fury and hunger were gone, and what was left was unexpectedly sweet and soft. She bit his lip and ran her tongue over the indents, sucking and pulling. He met her with enthusiasm, and there was silence save for their panting breaths, and the rustle of their clothes as they moved against each other.

His hand trailed down to her shirt, deftly undoing her haphazard work, revealing again her bra, and her heaving chest, pink with exertion and want. Her breath caught in her throat as he lowered his lips to her breasts with a final, burning look. His hands were gentle, stroking her breast through the cups of her bra, but his teeth were ruthless, sucking, biting and marking her.. She pushed his head, and he barely budged, instead sucking hard enough to make her yelp.

When he pulled away, her skin glistened wetly, bruising even as she watched. He rumbled in satisfaction, and repeated the motion, until her breasts were wet and red, skin sensitive.

"Take off your shirt." he commanded, lips full and eyes bright. She remembered his warning, and some idiot part of her brain replied,

"Make me." She replied.

His answering smile was all pointed edges and signs flashing danger.

"I thought I told you to behave."

"What makes you think I'll do as I'm told?"

She shot back, immediately regretting the words as he lifted himself off her, dragging her from the sofa and into the bedroom.

She struggled vainly, and he locked his arms around her, bending her over the mattress and pushing her face deep into the covers as she struggled to breathe. He yanked at her shirt, and it came away with a clatter of buttons and a few ominous pops. He pushed one hand against her head as she attempted to raise it, fingers curling warningly in her hair. With his other hand, he unsnapped her bra, worming his fingers up and around to her nipple and pinching sharply.

She yelped into the blankets as he continued his assault, twist-pulling, working her nipple with his rough fingers, the calloused pads grating against her delicate skin. His mouth sunk deep into her shoulder, and her bra was pulled off with the same carelessness and ferocity as her shirt.

Without warning, he picked her up, throwing her whole body onto the bed. When she spun around, attempting to roll up and away, he pounced, pinning her shoulders with a feral smile. He dropped his teeth to her uncovered breasts, and lathed them with his tongue, coaxing her abused nipples to attention. He rolled a nipple between his teeth as she whimpered and struggled, before he bit down, hard, sucking forcefully. A small squeak worked its way up her throat, and he paused his torment to grin at her.

"I did warn you." She turned her head away, trying to control her breathing, only for him to yank it back sharply, fingers snarled in her hair. He kissed her again, savagely, as one hand continued its assault, rolling and pinching and stroking until she thought she would catch fire. She whimpered into his mouth, and their teeth clinked together as he grinned at the sound.

"I like that sound a lot more than what's been coming out of your mouth." he growled against her lips. Her witty retort was muffled by his lips pressing against hers, and his hand moved between their bodies, fumbling with the catch on her pants.

She pushed at his shoulders and pulled at his hair, fighting with the arousal that dulled her movements. She panted, brain whirling. He wouldn't actually, would he? And did she want him to? No, she would tell him to stop.

She tried to say stop, but her words were swallowed by his lips, and as he began kissing his way down her neck, to her much-abused breasts, and lower, she found the words frozen on her lips, swallowed by the wave of sensation rushing up her body. Her pants were removed with a rustle of fabric, and she squirmed as the cool air of the room assaulted her, goosebumps prickling along her legs. His shirt followed shortly after, and she had a moment to appreciate the muscles scrolling up his arms and down his chest before he squatted between her legs.

He was silent, and stared down at the length of her body, tangled in his covers, with her chest heaving. She attempted to bring her legs together, embarrassed, and he shoved them open, her hips popping with the force. She pulled at his hair weakly, but he ignored her, a look of rapt attention on his face as he slowly dragged a finger along her underwear. He growled at the feel of the fabric, soaked through by her traitorous body. His fingers curled in, and she huffed a breath, unable to take her eyes off him. His hands snapped to her waist, and, with a rip, her underwear was gone.

"H-Hey! How am I supposed to leave with half of my clothes destroyed?" She protested weakly, eyes still locked on his unmoving form. He looked up at her, eyes unfocussed, and, instead of responding, carded his fingers through the sodden top of her pussy, the tips of his fingers just brushing against her engorged clit. She jerked up, instinctively chasing the feeling of his hard fingers on her. He smiled at that, and brushed her clit again, amused by the feeble thrusts of her hips. His fingers danced just on the edge, tempting and forbidden, and she had to bite back a frustrated scream as his hands skimmed back up her body, her cunt pulsing hungrily.

"I don't know that you've been punished enough, so I don't think I should reward you yet." he hummed, looking at her disheveled state with dark pleasure. Sly set her jaw stubbornly.

"I don't want a reward, just give me some clothes and let me up. I want to go home." She almost believed herself. He cocked an eyebrow at that, and reached one hand down, skimming the entrance to her hot, throbbing pussy. She couldn't help the whine that escaped, or the twist of her hips, trying to coax him deeper.

"Yea," he rasped, "that's what I thought." She blushed, feeling it travel down her chest, and he watched the skin redden with interest. He tugged her to a sitting position, then pulled her from the bed, dragging her forward a few steps, to a floor length mirror.

"You're going to watch yourself as you suck me off." He said. And what makes you think I'll do that?" she challenged.

"Because I'll return the favor." he said slowly, pushing on the top of her head. She couldn't help the wave of heat that rushed through her, or the dig of her teeth into her lip at the thought of his stubble between her legs, his tongue swirling, squirming, lapping... She clenched her legs, and turned her head, nose in the air. He sighed, sounding put upon.

"You really are just making this harder for yourself." he said mildly. "If you would have just behaved, I could have had my cock buried in you by now."

She tried to feign disinterest, even as her stomach turned over at his dark tone, and her eyes flicked to his jeans, his cock clearly straining to get out. Well good. If she wasn't getting what she wanted, then he wouldn't either. She twirled away, attempting to bolt through the door, and he pinned her against a wall, dragging his lips up her neck, grinding his erection against her soft, round ass.

"Oh no," he breathed. "You're not getting off that easily." He chuckled quietly at his double entendre, and, at the same time, sent his hand moving through the air to land on her ass, massaging it roughly. She attempted to twist her body from the assault, but he merely gathered her hands in one of his, and slammed them against the wall, almost certainly bruising her wrists in the process.

That pain was overshadowed by the burning that was climbing up her ass, turning her whole body hot and tense, like she was a midsummer storm about to unleash a tempest. His hand continued to roughly massage her ass.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked, sounding perfectly in control. Between pants, she responded, "Eat me."

He clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"Wrong answer." The squeezing resumed again, she fought back tears of sexual need, until she was almost gasping with the effort.

"What about now?" Mutely, she shook her head. Without another word, Harley unbuckled his belt, pulling it free. The clinking metal filled her with apprehension, and she almost apologised then and there, before remembering that was exactly what he wanted her to do. She tossed her head in defiance, and he affectionately ran a finger down the side of her face.

"You're so feisty. I should have guessed you would be as sassy as ever, even now. Let's see if we can train that out of you."

She half-turned at those alarming words, as he reached for his belt.












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