Joining the Pack Ch. 04

Anahid swam up slowly from sleep. It was nearly impossible to open her eyes for how warm and protected she felt. She nuzzled into the thick fur around her, searching for its warmth. The fur shifted and then she heard the heartbeat against her ear. She flipped her eyes open, took in the huge wolf she lay curled against.

She jerked away from him with a screech, but he simply yawned and stretched on the fur blankets. He laid his massive head down between his paws, dark gray eyes calmly watching her.

Her heart thrummed. Her mind screamed at her to turn and run. But...though he'd startled her, some deeper instinct told her he meant her no harm. This was Kaev. Her captor. The insane man who thought she was his mate. This terrifying shape-shifter. But he would not harm her. At least. Not today it seemed.

She studied the wolf. He was more broad than a natural wolf, more muscled, the size of a bear. As he stretched relaxed on the blankets she saw he had an almost feline-grace to his limbs as well. He was rather lovely, when he wasn't panic-inducing.

"I have to empty my bladder. I'm NOT trying to escape," she said primly then turned from the camp. She moved only a few yards away and found a bush to hide behind. Did he really believe she would turn into a creature like that tonight? It was impossible. Impossible in its insanity.

And yet...she remembered her mother's face. Her round kind face with its dark brown eyes. Her father, similarly short and good natured. Her brother, cut from the same cloth as her kind parents. And then her. Anahid. The weird girl that stood inches taller than the rest of her family. That had strange bronze hair when everyone she knew had dark brown or black hair. She'd always known she was different. She just hadn't understood why. Her heart ached. All these years her parents never told her the truth, why had they kept it from her?

She returned to the camp, found Kaev back in his—nearly as—imposing human form. He caught her eye as she returned and smirked.

"I'm almost sad you didn't run."

"Why did my real father just abandon me? What happened to my mother?" she asked, in no mood for small talk.

He sobered, nodding as if he knew these questions must come. "I don't know about your mother, but your father...Hayk..." he swallowed, as if debating what to say. "Well, our kind we don't often mingle with humans. I imagine your mother was just a passing impulse. Hayk though was very solitary, he never kept a pack for very long. So when he found me after he'd been attacked by...others he was already near death. All I know is his last thought was of you. And like I said I owed him a debt so I've been away from my pack for years now trying to find you."

Anahid shook her head. It wasn't good enough.

"What if you're wrong? What if I don't turn into...a monster tonight?" she asked.

He crouched in front of the fire, but let his eyes slide up and down her body. She shivered at the hunger in his eyes. "It's Lycan. And I'm not wrong."

Anahid moved back to the furs, she still wore only his large shirt and the chill of the morning air left her shivering and covered in goosebumps.

Kaev stoked the fire, glanced back to her. "I'll find you some better clothes today. I'll be gone a few hours. You can try to run again if you'd like, but now that I've got your scent, I'll find you," he grinned at her and she saw the excitement plain on his face.

"How far ARE we from my village?" she asked.

"Several hours on two feet. Less on four," he again smiled knowingly. But then his face turned serious. "You don't want to go in that direction. When the change takes you tonight you'll be...dangerous to humans."

She shuddered, his cool gray eyes watched her, and she felt suddenly naked again.

"I still don't think I believe you."

He shrugged, suddenly rose from the fire and brought her a mug of tea. "Your belief isn't required. Drink that, it will warm you a bit while I'm gone. There are a few bags of dried food when you're hungry. I'd just relax today, stay warm by the fire. You'll need your energy for tonight."

She gritted her teeth, looked up to him as she held the warm mug to her chest. "Are you going to rape me?"

He blinked, crouched down in front of her again. He reached that giant hand of his to her cheek and this time she didn't flinch away, knowing it might only provoke him. "It's not like that Anahid. It won't be how you're imagining." She swallowed as his rough fingers tenderly caressed her face. And she nearly believed him. Her body did at least. The feel of his fingers against her skin sent a ripple down her spine, awakened the dull ache between her legs. She squirmed, pressing her thighs together, trying to push away the confusing rush he elicited in her.

And he knew, of course he did. He smirked at her as she squirmed and brought his hand to the back of her head. Gently he pulled her face to his and planted the most tender of kisses to her lips. The feel of his surprisingly soft lips sparked the fire in her and before she knew it she was returning the kiss. Leaning into him, parting for him. His tongue darted into her mouth and she was reminded of the delicious things he could do with that tongue. A moan escaped her lips and he pressed more urgently into her. His mouth consumed her, his tongue insistent and demanding.

With a gasp he pulled away and stood.

"I should be going," he rasped out. He pulled his shirt off, quickly stepped out of his breeches.

The blood rushed to her face as a suddenly naked Kaev stood in front of her. Unable to stop herself she slid her eyes to his heavy cock and a shiver of dread and anticipation ran through her. She suddenly felt the damp heat between her own legs. Blinking she looked back up to meet his intense eyes. They were nearly black with lust and she felt the air between them still as they eyed each other.

He grinned and then his body rippled. The black hair sprouted with abandon across his muscled skin. He fell forward with a snarl as the wolf leapt up within him. Within only seconds the monstrous black wolf crouched in front of her. With a low growl he turned and fled into the woods.

She was alone. Achingly alone.


Kaev ran through the trees on his way back to Anahid. He was cutting it closer than he'd like but he'd had a hard time finding just the right clothes for her. If he were in his human form he'd laugh at himself. At what his Anahid had done to him. Kaev, King among Lycans creeping through villages searching for a fetching dress for his lover.

His mind wandered as he ran, imagining how the night would go. Wondering what her wolf form would look like. He imagined her coat would match her lovely bronze locks.

He sensed the others too late. A silver tipped arrow struck him in his hind leg and he howled in rage as he stumbled, immediately casting around for his attackers. He cursed his distracted mind as he grabbed at the arrow with his teeth, ripped it from his flesh.

There were four and he heard the second arrow and danced quickly out of the way just before it struck him. The vampires slipped from the shadows, circled him. He growled as he studied their movements. How long had they been tracking him? His mind raced. Anahid. Was she safe? Had they followed his trail to her? Fear and hot anger warred within him.

With a howl he leapt at the most dangerous looking one, knocking the vampire to the ground and ripping his throat out with a spray of blood. A sword slashed across his shoulder and he twisted, springing from the fallen vampire and away from the other three. Another arrow flew and pierced his leg again. He ran and the three silent vampires dashed after him. He hoped to lose them and then circle back around and pick them off one by one.

Stupid! He was so stupid for running into this ambush. He narrowly dodged another arrow and continued to run, away from camp, away from Anahid. It was his only thought, he must draw them away.


Anahid watched the sun sink below the trees. Something was wrong. She sensed it, deep in that primal part of her self.

Kaev should have been back by now. Not that she was hoping for her insane captor to return... But he should have been back. She was alone in this strange forest and something wasn't right. Worry coursed through her. She didn't believe him, couldn't believe him. But the moon was beginning to peak above the horizon and she suddenly felt it in her bones.

Perhaps she was going mad? It was the only explanation for the strange feeling that rose within her belly. For the craving that arose in her throat.

A surge of heat erupted within her chest, coursed outwards, into her spine, into every bone, into every pore. She screamed and fell backwards on her blankets. The fire rose in her. She was dying. Kaev was wrong. She wasn't changing into a monster tonight. She was simply dying.

The agony ripped through her and she convulsed, thrashed on the ground as her every bone broke, lengthened, reformed. Another howl rose within her as she flipped onto her stomach, panting and sweating with the blistering pain. She tried to dig her hands into the soft furs, tried to ground herself but the sight of fur only sent her mind reeling away.

Finally the wolf burst free from Anahid and she leapt, snarling and panting from her human body. The real her. Who she was meant to be. Anger rippled through her. Kaev. He'd promised to be here. She shouldn't have had suffer alone.

She found his scent, distracted for only a moment by the heat it sent through her. She sprang from the camp, following the bright trail he'd left. Her mind could only focus on one thing, finding Kaev, voicing her displeasure with her mate.


Kaev struggled to rise. He'd killed the third vampire but now the last stalked him. A quick female that watched him with those bloodless blue eyes. He thought he could still take her with him. He was likely dying, with the five silver arrows that burrowed into him he couldn't heal. His blood, his precious blood leaked from a dozen wounds. He snarled, low in his throat as he watched the vicious creature circle him. She was toying with him now. Perhaps she'd make a mistake?

"King of Lycans. How disappointing," she whispered as she circled him.

He growled as he watched her. His mind far away, on Anahid. He could almost still smell her...

He and the vampire both froze as the scream of rage reverberated through the trees. And then Anahid was on the vampiress. A snarling and snapping demon leapt from the trees. The vampire tried to turn, drop out of the way but the she-wolf matched her.

Knocking the smaller vampire to the ground the wolf savaged her, snapping at her throat, her face, her arms as she weakly tried to fight her attacker off. It was over in only a moment and the vampire lay bloodied and dead under the still growling wolf.

Kaev collapsed, lay panting on his side as he watched Anahid turn to him. Through the haze of pain his heart hummed. She was magnificent. More beautiful than he could have imagined. Her thick bronze hair became a shining, glossy coat. The color shifted as she moved, shadows in a forest. She was strong, larger than most other Lycans besides himself. He'd been right. This was a queen among lycans. His queen. His mate.

She padded up to him. Nuzzled at his neck. Noticed the arrows. With a low growl she grabbed the first between her teeth. Pulled it out. He jerked at the searing pain, but was too weak to do anything else. She grabbed at another, another and slowly pulled all the arrows from him.

He felt the instant relief as his body was finally freed. His blood coursed within him, rose high and fast as it raced to his wounds to heal him. Anahid lay down at his back, whining softly as she nuzzled into him, licking at the slowly healing slashes and arrow holes. Kaev panted, still exhausted but comforted by her closeness.

They lay for nearly an hour as his wounds knitted, Anahid curling into him, offering what strength she could. Eventually he felt the healing was complete. Felt his newly healed muscles flex and shiver with energy. She sensed the change in him, sensed his strength had returned.

A growl rose, low and insistent in her throat. She rose, lowered her head as she eyed him. He met her eye, stood slowly as well. He wanted to grin, seeing how well matched they were. Her eyes, now a darker, more primal green watched him, her head low as her lips curled back. She was taunting him.

With a sharp snarl he leapt at her but she was already gone, turning like the breeze and disappearing into the trees. He howled, joy nearly bursting his chest as he set off after her. He had only her smell to chase. She was fast and silent as she darted through the trees. He thundered after her, catching only a glimpse of her shadowed coat as she evaded him.

He didn't know how long they ran. Well into the night. The moon sat high in the sky before Anahid made a mistake, ran down a shallow gully into a dead end. She skidded to a stop, whipped around and found Kaev in front of her. She crouched, letting a growl rumble deep within her throat.

He lunged at her. Though she tried to dance away from him on those quick feet he was too strong. He knocked her stumbling back. Grabbed at the back of her neck with his teeth. She immediately dropped down under him. Let him mount her from behind. She whimpered as she angled her hips up for him, offered herself to him.

Still holding her down with his teeth on her neck he entered her. Thrust savagely into her as she whined underneath him. She twitched, and scrabbled at the ground but gladly shoved her backside into him. Inviting him deeper.

He began to thrust, lost all sense of anything except for the feel of Anahid beneath him. Anahid all around him. He pounded into her, ramming her into the ground. Taking her in all the ways he'd promised and she eagerly invited him. Her low, guttural growls turned to sharp whines as he dominated her. He climaxed with a howl, felt his scorching seed flood her. She clenched around him, drew every last drop from him as she matched his howl.

When he collapsed back, freeing her finally from underneath him, she startled him with a sharp bark. She snapped at his muzzle then turned, fleeing again into the trees. He panted, stared after her in surprise then sped gleefully after her again.


The sun teased Anahid's eyelids open. Soft and warm she yawned, feeling lazy and comfortable. She lay on top of Kaev. He was on his back on the forest floor, holding her to his bare—human-chest. She felt a moment of confusion, but then the night came crashing back to her. She remembered every second of it and the memory sent a jolt through her. She tipped her face up to his, found him still asleep.

She shifted slightly, taking stock of their situation. Their legs were intertwined. She gripped at his massive chest, fingers curling in the dark hair. His cock, bulging and hot lay against her thigh. As she registered it a flush of heat swept through her, and her groin clenched. She studied his sleeping face. The broad, sharp jaw. The long sloping nose. She felt a twinge, sad she couldn't see the lovely gray of his eyes. She stretched her chin up, let her lips brush his.

His eyes snapped open instantly and found hers waiting. He slightly tightened his arms around her waist, let a slow smile cross his lips. "There she is," he said softly.

She held his gaze, searched within his eyes for the wolf within. "Is that who I really am?" she asked.

His grin grew wider and he shifted underneath her, subtly moving his cock towards her center. "No one shape can contain you," he said huskily.

He lifted his head, kissed her deeply. Almost chastely. No intruding tongue. No taking possession. Just a sensual, soul shattering kiss.

"Thank you," she whispered into his lips.

His kissed turned harsher. More insistent. "Would you like me to fuck you know?" he asked and shifted her above him, sliding her over the head of his cock. She felt its swollen heat. The tiny drop of moisture at the tip like lava against the folds of her sex. The ache within her was like a knife, sharp and desperate.

"Will it be like last night?" she murmured.

"Only if you want it to be," his voice was so low it rumbled against her bones. Seemed to stroke right against her apex.

"I want to see your eyes while you fuck me," she said, taking his head between her hands.

He sucked in a sharp breath and she felt the jerk of his excited length. It snapped against her center and she melted, pulled his face to hers in a kiss as the need ripped through them. His hands found her round butt. He moved her slowly against him, grinding the length of his cock against her wet slit. As the delicate head pressed against her swollen little nub she shuddered and tilted her hips into him, needing more pressure. More everything.

Gently, seductively her guided her along the length of him, teasing her, setting her skin ablaze. She arched into him, tried to guide him into her but he resisted, chuckling lightly as he angled his cock away, back against her throbbing clit, down the length of her, back up. She growled, grabbed at his shoulders to try to leverage herself.

He moved his mouth to her neck, bit softly as he tightened his grip on her ass. Then he rolled, twisting and positioning himself on top of her with her back now on the floor of the forest. All the while he held her gaze, grinned wickedly.

The head of his cock pressed at her entrance and she was suddenly anxious. She could look down now, see him poised over her and she thought again he might rip her in half. Glancing back up to his eyes her heart thrummed. He looked at her with more than lust. More than hunger. The was a deep sense of belonging she found in those gray eyes.

"My Anahid," he growled, slowly lowering himself into her. As the head of his cock moved past her opening she gasped, amazed at how she could stretch for him. The tightness of her body was stubborn, but he was patient, unrelenting as he sunk deeper, and deeper still into her.

The discomfort, the sharp pain of protest eased as she focused only on the feel of him moving in her, on the way his eyes watched her carefully. As he finally bottomed out within her and she felt the coarse feel of his groin against her. She sighed in satisfaction. His mouth fell onto hers then and she closed her eyes.

He ground against her for several long moments, adjusting her pussy to his thick shaft, teasing her impatient clit. Then slowly he began to ease back out, with every inch she felt the loss, tried to follow him with her hips. She let out a low whine as he retreated and he laughed as he pulled from her until only the thick head still sat within her.

He positioned one arm for support beside her head, the other he gripped her waist, his demanding fingers digging into her. Then he thrust back into her in one smooth motion. She gasped, her body bucking up into the feel of his full length inside her again. He retreated quickly, then slammed back into her. She flung her arms to his back, dug her nails into him. As he began to thrust faster into her she clung to him, her own desperation rising. She rocked her hips against him, trying to match his rhythm, desperate for the feeling of him pounding into her very core.

Long whines of pleasure rose from her lips. He was touching every part of her now. Deep into those parts that had never existed before him. Still faster, more brutally he slammed into her and she arched to meet him. He tunneled into her, ramming her into the soft dirt so hard she imagined they created a furrow under their bodies.

Low guttural growls rose in his throat as his mouth worked along her neck, devouring her. Every sound from him, every time he thrust into her she rose higher. Her body winding around him like he was the only thing that existed. She desperately clung to his back, set her own mouth against his neck. She bit down and felt him begin to spasm above her and together they stood on the edge.


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